Quackity sings a song for Eret
就是Quackity 唱首歌給Eret,即興曲,精華也不是我剪的,他倆真的可愛。第一次英聽翻譯,所以非常有可能聽字錯誤,這翻譯程度我都不想放tag了。
Can hear it?
(I can hear it.)
猜猜怎麼著 這首歌獻給Eret
Guess what. This dedicated to Eret.
You are big fucking noob.
And that fact is undeniable.
You know what is you.
Just be a big fucking noob.
從我面前他媽的滾開 你這個書呆子
Get the fucking out my face, you noob.
給我他媽的滾開 書呆子
Get out fucking noob.
Oh, yeah~
And I don’t wanna buy your boots.
And you‘re actually a really good player.
你真的一個非常好的Mimecraft玩家 Mimecraft是一個非常好的遊戲
You‘re actually a really good player at minecraft and minecraft is a really good game.
You‘re actually a really good player.
我真的很享受你有很大的影響力 你一點都不刻薄(喔哇 你人真好 這麼會說話)
And I really enjoy how you’re so effected, you are not mean at all. (Oh wow, that’s so nice what you just said.)
這真是一首美麗的 –你說甚麼 這真是一首美麗的歌 這真是一首美麗的歌
And that actually are a pretty -what you said. That actually are a pretty song. That actually are a pretty song.
And yeah,
這只是開玩笑的 這只是個玩笑(喔 謝謝你 這話真甜)
It was just a joke.That was just a just a joke. (Aww, thank you. That’s so sweet.)
沒錯 這只是個玩笑
Yeah, that was just a just a joke.
That was just a just a joke.
You are not a big fucking noob.
You got many very very big qualities.
And being a noob is not one. Yeah!
我不跟書當子當朋友 我不跟 –拜託*N
I don’t befriend noobs. I don’t be –plz plz plz plz plz plz plz.
拜託 給我他媽的食物 拜託 給我他媽的食物 我需要他媽的食物 我需要他媽的食物 拜託 我現在他媽的需要食物
Plz, give me fucking food. Plz, give me fucking food. I need fucking food. I need fucking food. Plz, I’m fucking need food right now.
我他媽的在哪找到 –我甚至他媽的找不到鑽石
Where the fucking I find –I can’t even fucking find diamonds.
我他媽的找不到鑽石 Eret 我他媽的找不 –啊~啊~
I can’t fucking find diamonds, Eret. I can’t fucking –HAAA! HAAA!
Yeah, yeah! Yeah, yeah, yeah!
Yo! Eret!
讓我告訴你我的Mimecraft鑽石們 我在找他們 但我只是撞見怪物們
Let me tell you about my minecraft diamonds. I’m looking for them, and I just choked the monster.
I might choke another one two.
如果我 –我知道
If I –I know.
Eret 如果我跑去下界 我會死
Eret, if I go to the Nether I will die.
如果我搬去下界 我會死
If I move to the Nether I will die.
Especially if I hang with a noob like you.
You are noooooooooooob.
你是一個書~呆 –你不是書呆子
You are noooooo -you are not a noob.
事實上你正好相反 你很酷~
You are actually the opposite, which is cooool.
耶 耶穌基督啊 把那糟糕的東西拿走 耶穌基督啊老兄 那是公然猥褻
Yeah, jesus christ. Put that shit away, jesus christ, man.That’s public indecency.
那是公然猥褻 把那糟糕的東西拿走
That’s public indecency. Put that shit away.
No one wants to see that in the fucking face.
You should not carry that shit around with you.
如果你把那帶在身邊 你會被開罰單
You could get a ticket if you carry that with you.
把它拿走 沒人想要看見它
Put it away. No one wants to see it.
我找到 –Eret 如果我在實況中死掉
I find-Eret, if I die in my stream.
You see it.
如果在我實況上 我會他媽的哭出來
If I in my stream, I gonna fucking cry.
And I’m actually just getting diamonds all the fucking time.
耶 我喜歡我的鑽石
Yeah, I like my diamonds.
耶 我喜歡我的斧頭
Yeah, I like my axes.
耶 我討厭TNT
Yeah, I hate TNT.
And I hate noobs.
HAHA!Woohoohoo! Woo!
他媽的幹嘛 好吧好吧 聽著 好啦 我真的很喜歡Eret
What the fuck. Ok,ok,ok. Listen. Ok, and I really like Eret.
嘿!把那髒東西拿走 今天沒有人想要看見它 耶
Hey! put that shit away. No one wants to see that today. Yeah.
喔 我找的一個在地泳池
Oh, I found a local pool.
This is a community pool.
I can’t believe I find a community pool.
耶 我的天 這裡有一位在游泳
Yeah. Oh my god, we have a swimmer here.
我的天 這裡有 –好吧 耶穌基督啊 Eret
Oh my god, we have -ok, jesus Christ. Eret.
我不行 我唱不下去了
I can’t, I can’t do this anymore.
聽著 掰掰
Listen. Goodbye.
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